I’m staring this series to both document and share my experiences and insight of my journey to becoming a published author and illustrator.

In March 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic brought my in person classroom teaching to a screech halt. I was immediately tasked with teaching online. It was not a big deal for me since I had been teaching an online Masters course in psychology research methods. But I was very challenging for my students and their parents. We all persevered and finished the school year.
That next fall I found myself back in my classroom but with only a third of y students. The others were at home and joined via Zoom. This called for more adjustments and creativity for me, my students and their families. once again we persevered and finished another school year. I even managed to direct and put on our annual Christmas Drama.
During this time I was also working to launch my career as a children’s book author and illustrator. This was another challenge altogether. It requires patience, persistence and passion. It also required keeping my purpose for desiring to do this ever present in my mind and surroundings.
There were several unexpected learning curve balls thrown my way. First, I had to learn how to write for children. Second, I had to learn how to draw for children. Third, I had to learn how to sell what I wrote and illustrated to the gatekeepers of traditional publishing- agents and publisher. This all led to a flurry of courses and webinars and books and audios and YouTube and Twitter and Instagram and…
Overcoming more obstacles and disappointment,
which ultimately led to signing my first book contract with Gnome Road Publishing and then my second with Rockridge Press.
and hopefully soon, my dream agent who is out there somewhere. What an amazing team we’re going to make as we create wonderful books to put into the hands of children and parents and educators alike.